Friday, June 24, 2011

Statues Week - Photo Phriday!


You may be asking what's so special about Photo Phriday. Well, for those of you who didn't follow me on my other blog, at the beginning of 2011 I decided to take on the personal challenge of taking a quality photo (or set of photos) at least once a week. Subsequently, after taking said photos, I would post the fruits of my labour every Friday. Thus Photo Phriday. This blog spawned from that idea, albeit six months later, and with much more photo posting and much less talking.

SO! Since this is a weekly theme blog - for at least as long as I can keep finding new themes - I am attempting to take on the added challenge of always adding a new quality photo which will fit into the current theme. I can't promise that I will always succeed (unless you now some way Women's Soccer fits into the theme of Mosaic) but I will always try!

For those curious, yes, I did succeed this week! The above photo, is one I took on the way to work at a church I pass daily. Initially when I saw this statue (knowing I had to take a photo of it because it fit this weeks theme), I though the priest was holding up a book, preaching to some unseen audience. It turns out I was completely wrong and his hand was just missing. I hear having your hands chopped off is a crime for theft, which makes you wonder just what it was that a statue stole..

Ah well! Bonus hint time: Next weeks theme will be one of the most common themes for photographs!

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